

I am a bonafide book worm. I love to read. That’s actually an understatement- my mom often reminds me I actually just consume books and tend to”eat them”. Whenever she buys a book to read, she just gives it to me first since she knows I’ll be done in a few days. My love for reading began early. Ever since I dove head first into the world of young adult literature and the Harry Potter series surfaced, I’ve become a dedicated life long reader of fiction. More recently though as an adult post college and my graduate program, I’ve gotten back into reading non fiction as well.

I’ve had my periods of not reading though too- postpartum I thought I’d read like three books a week but sleep took priority. During periods when I am work very intensely, sometimes I find I cannot read as its too distracting. And of course I had my dry spells in Sierra Leone as it was hard to come by books at times. But this year I’ve taken it back up with vigor. I’ve tried to balance out my reading between the two main genres of fiction and non-fiction, usually getting at least of each every time I go to the library. Living in Harlem, I’ve been fortunate to be so close to the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and the local library on 135th. I’ve read many many books on race this year as well as some new fiction by African authors. I had a friend ask me recently what’s been my favorite book and it totally stumped me. You mean my favorite memoir? Or book about neuroscience? Or fiction? What genre?  What book I’ve finished most recently and loved?

A cousin also just gave me a really hilarious book by Jim Gaffigan called Dad is Fat. It had be literally laughing until I cried on the subway and was really refreshing to read as a parent in NYC. I’ve also loved watching my toddler get really into reading. Lately he’s been the one to “read” stories before bed, usually starting backwards and rambling incoherently but I love to see him get into the stories. Plus there are some pretty cute kid books out there that have been fun to explore as a family besides all the classics I remember reading as a kid. Reading fiction for me has always been an escape and a very important part of my self care routine. As for non-fiction, this genre has also helped me continue to learn about different topics and stay stimulated.


So some of my favorite books I’ve read this year (or at least the one’s I can remember off the top of my head) include:


  1. Radiance of Tomorrow by Ishmael Beah – which made me so homesick for Mama Salone
  2. I finished the Outlander series thus far by reading the 8th book- Written in My Heart’s Own Blood– Diana Gabaldon
  3. The Underground Railroad– Colson Whitehead
  4. Behold the Dreamers– Imbolo Mbue
  5. Homecoming– Yaa Gyasi


  1. Backlash– George Yancy
  2. Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race – Reni Eddo-Lodge
  3. The Molecule of More– Daniel Z. Liberman and Michael E Long
  4. When I was Puerto Rican– Esmeralda Santiago
  5. The brain that changes itself- Norman Doidge
  6. The Emotional Life of the Toddler- Alicia F. Liberman